AmoQodrat Ecotourism residence

AmoQodrat Ecotourism residence

AmoQodrat Ecotourism residence is located in the village of GhaleChe in Minoodasht, Iran, Golestan Province. The residence has 13 rooms and suites with a capacity of 95 people, which has a common Persian and Western bathrooms for the rooms, and for the suites are also completely private in the courtyard. Local cuisine and chamber dishes are very popular among travelers in this area. This residence has been located at the height of the gorgeous and calm forests of Golestan, providing a very unique environment for tourists and lovers of nature and cloud forests. The domestic and foreign tourists who stay in these indigenous villages can visit other attractions of the province such as the Loveh Waterfall, ShirAbad Waterfall, Gol Ramiyan WELL, Khalednabi Cemetery, Qaboos Tower (Mill Gonbad) Knock From the hotel’s side tours, you can also tour the cycling, climbing, paragliding, Golestan National Park, visiting the Khalid Nabi cemetery, riding horseback riding, visiting the Qaboos tower and performing live concerts at the end of the week on a permanent basis.

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